This list will expand as more good stuff comes out!
Of course the works of Ellis Amdur, who heads this line of Araki-ryu:
Dueling with O Sensei
Old School
Hidden in Plain Sight
Follow his blog at Kogen Budo for more of his own writing and others in classical martial traditions.
Other good, accessible reads for classical Japanese martial traditions would be Diane Skoss' Koryu Books series. These bring the work of a number of current martial researchers and scholars together in one place:
Koryu Bujutsu
Sword and Spirit
Keiko Shokon
Scholarly research on Japanese warrior culture has expanded considerably over the years, with many new insights developed from ongoing research. More often than not these days, my reading list is more academic work than martial arts research. There are some useful popular sources for practitioners, by practitioners that are also scholars. Popular versions of some doctoral theses are out there and in some cases more focussed on martial culture, even specific schools, than in general historical work.
Some of these should change your perspective on the "samurai fighting traditions."
The works of Dr. Alexander Bennett:
Kendo: Culture of the Sword
Bushido and the Art of Living
Bushido Explained
And his translations of the works of Musashi: The Complete Musashi.
The works of Dr. Constantine Vaporis:
Tour of Duty is particularly good to get a sense of the daily life of the warrior stationed at Edo, including their guard and law enforcement responsibilities, which specifically touch on some martial matters.
The Samurai Encyclopedia which may be a condensed - and more affordable - version of this one. I haven't seen the latter yet.
The works of Dr. Karl Friday:
Legacies of the Sword: the Kashima-Shinryu and Samurai Martial Culture.
This article at Budo Japan. Dr. Friday has various articles addressing and re-assessing Japanese warrior culture in light of ongoing scholarly research and everything he writes has relevance.
The works of Dr David A Hall:
The price is now exorbitant. Individual chapters can be obtained from Brill. Especially relevant material appears in his chapter Marishiten: Buddhist Influences on Combative Behavior in Koryu Bujutsu and his article Pilgrimage and Practice: The Body, Speech, and Mind Interface Between the Japanese Warrior and Religious Ritual.
Encyclopedia of Japanese Martial Arts
The late Dr. Cameron Hurst's Armed Martial Arts of Japan.
The 1998 doctoral thesis The Development of the Military Profession in Tokugawa Japan by the late John M Rogers. This will challenge everything you think you know about the pre-modern martial arts, if everything you know is from popular sources by martial arts masters.
The works of Steven Trenson:
Trenson writes on esoteric Buddhism, and in particular his articles Cutting Serpents: Esoteric Buddhist Dimensions of the Classical Martial Art of Drawing the Sword and Buddhism and Martial Arts in Premodern Japan: New Observations from a Religious Historical Perspective are must reads.
Trenson also translated Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu: The Iai Forms and Oral Traditions of the Yamauchi Branch.
These works give insight into the spiritual world view of the medieval and early modern warrior vis-a-vis the mentality necessary when taking life, in order to avoid sin (in the medieval Buddhist context) and "falling into hell." And how that approach was later transformed and esotericized after taking life ceased to be a realistic concern for most of the early modern warrior class, and the symbolics shifted.
Original Enlightenment and the Transformation of Medieval Japanese Buddhism
This book by Jacqueline Stone is important to understanding the medieval and early modern Japanese approach to the concept of original enlightenment, which underlies those gokui regarding mindset of many of the martial traditions of the times.
Beyond these are some great background sources that are more historical and academic in nature, such as Michael Wert's Samurai: a Concise History and the work of Thomas Conlan.
RP Dore's Education in Tokugawa Japan
Translated works of swordsman have been available for a long time. Two translations - by practitioners and scholars - that I continually revisit are:
The Complete Musashi the above-mentioned Dr. Alex Bennett's translation of Professor Takashi Uozumi's most recent research on the famed swordsman-artist's oeuvre. Corrections of prior translations from later discovered original documents are part of this work.
The Five Rings by Meiji University's David K Groff, also a practitioner of a line of Musashi's swordsmanship.
Groff's translation is my current favorite. Very nuts-and-bolts, no nonsense, accessible. I've always liked the direct simplicity of Musashi's writing and his critique of the aestheticized, commercialized, and philosophizing of the martial way in his day (which continued unabated since that time, and in light of some of the historical writing above, isn't much different from today).
Musashi addresses combative realities as a whole, not just with swords, in a practical way that is reflected in the above translations.
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